Nina McNeely

MORPH, 2014

American, b. 1983

3:39 minutes

Courtesy of the artist


December 1, 2017 - December 30, 2017

MORPH is a playful and visually spellbinding performance by choreographer and animator Nina McNeely. Through the use of projection mapping and synchronized movements, she is transformed into a colorful array of creatures and characters. Inspired by the concept of shape-shifting in both folklore and contemporary culture, MORPH journeys through surrealist pop, a mythical animal kingdom, and into a divine realm of apparitions and deities. This piece narrows the line between dreams and reality while inviting the viewer to be transported back into a childlike state of innocence where color is omnipresent, time is nonlinear and illusion is endless. 


Animation  Nina McNeely
Choreography  Nina McNeely
Music  Robbie Williamson and Anna Sitko
Costume  Sara Sachs and Briana Gonzales