From Cordoba to Cardamon: The World of the Cairo Geniza

Event Type Sheppy Dog Fund Lecture
Date calendar  Tuesday, March 15, 2022
Time clock  6:00pm - 7:30pm (1h 30m)
Location FIA Theater

During the 1890s, the contents of the Cairo Geniza, the storeroom of the Ben Ezra Synagogue build ca. 900 in Fustat (Old Cairo), came to the attention of scholars in England and elsewhere. The discoveries constituted nothing less than a revolution in the study of the Middle Ages. In the end, 300,000 documents (mostly in Hebrew, but in other languages as well) emerged from the dusty attic space revealing every aspect of medieval Jewish life, from the sacred to the mundane.

Dr. Gary A. Rendsburg serves as the Blanche and Irving Laurie Professor of Jewish History in the Department of Jewish Studies at Rutgers University.