Get inspired. Get creative. Get involved. 

When you support the Flint Institute of Arts, you’re strengthening your community while simultaneously preserving a legacy. Free admission, discounts in the Museum Shop and the Palette Café, as well as on FIA Art School classes, and invitations to a host of events throughout the year.

In only three visits, you’ll more than pay for your membership – and with all the exhibitions, lectures, and special events the FIA has to offer, you’ll certainly be back!

Your support of the FIA is a great way to take advantage of tax benefits allowed by the federal government and to reward your benevolence in helping the FIA!

The following is a general description of methods of donating to the FIA. Your gift is a way to combine your desire to help the FIA and realize significant tax advantages. For further information, please contact Marissa Pierce, Director of Development at 810.234.1695 or by email.

Spring Appeal

Spring is such an amazing time as it shows us what can flourish after winter. Here at the FIA, so much is “flourishing” including new programs such as Art Spark!, and the Art NOW! Fund.

There are many ways to support the FIA and they all impact our future. Your support helps to fund exhibitions, programming, and other important projects. Please consider giving today through the Spring Appeal. Thank you!

Areas of designation:

The Art NOW! Fund

This initiative aims to grow the FIA's contemporary collection and make sure it represents the vast array of artists in the field including women and BIPOC artists.

Art Spark!

This program is designed for people with mild to moderate memory loss and their care partners that provides opportunities for dialogue and reflection through art engagement within the FIA galleries and through art-making workshops.


Growing the Endowment Fund allows the annual investment income to help sustain the FIA Museum + Art School for years to come.

General Operating

This fund helps pay for the essential, though often unnoticed, expenses of operating the museum.

Other Ways to Give


Gifts of Cash are the simplest and easiest way for you to make a contribution to FIA.  Make checks payable to Flint Institute of Arts. 

Works of Art 

Gifts of Works of Art to the FIA's permanent collection follow specific guidelines governing artwork in the permanent collection. 

 Contributions to the collection can be made in two ways which are fully tax-deductible. 

  • donating funds to purchase works of art
  • donating works of art 

For tax purposes, funds donated for art purchases are treated like any other cash donation.  Donating a work of art, however, has some special advantages. Suppose you purchased or inherited a painting many years ago. It is likely that the painting has increased in value, especially if it was painted by an important artist. If you were to sell the painting, you would have to pay a capital gains tax on the amount of the appreciation. However, if you were to offer the painting to the FIA, and it was accepted into the collection, capital gains tax would not apply.  In addition, the current fair market value of the painting may be claimed as a charitable contribution. As with other types of donations, the law provides the opportunity to spread the deduction over more than one tax year. If you are considering donating a work of art to the FIA, please email Curator of Collections and Exhibitions, Sarah Kohn at

Tangible Personal Property

Gifts of Tangible Personal Property may include items such as jewelry, books, coins, and automobiles to the Flint Institute of Arts during your lifetime, you may reduce your taxable estate and also reduce your taxable income in the year of the gift. Because of changes in tax laws, please contact your tax advisor regarding this type of gift.

Appreciated Securities

Gifts of Appreciated Securities (stocks, bonds, or mutual funds) are excellent ways to support the FIA. Such gifts are easy to make and may provide a greater tax benefit than an equivalent gift in cash.

Planned Giving

Planned Giving Options include making a bequest to the FIA as a simple way to leave a personal legacy in support of the museum’s mission. Bequests may be unrestricted or may be designated for specific use or endowment.

Retirement Accounts

You may name the FIA as the beneficiary of a retirement plan is an easy, tax-efficient way to leave a gift. Unlike heirs, the FIA is not required to pay income taxes on the amount received upon death.

Life Insurance

Life Insurance Policies can include naming the FIA as the beneficiary of the policy with proceeds to be received upon the donor’s death or by transferring ownership of the policy to FIA during the donor’s lifetime.

Life Income

Life Income Gifts such as charitable remainder trusts and charitable gift annuities are ways to make a gift to FIA while retaining an income stream during one’s lifetime. This is a great option to consider if you have highly appreciated assets you do not wish to sell during your lifetime, and desire a predictable stream of income, and want an immediate tax deduction for the charitable gift today.

Renaissance Society

When you visit the FIA galleries you will see many gifts of artworks received from individuals to enhance the permanent collection. 

One can contribute to the FIA’s collection in three ways: 

  • Donating funds to purchase works of art
  • Donating works of art
  • Including the FIA in your estate plan to purchase or gift/donate a work of art. 

For tax purposes, funds donated to purchase art are 100% deductible. Likewise, donating a work of art has deductible advantages. For example, if you purchased or inherited a painting years ago, it is likely the value has appreciated. If you were to sell it, you would have to pay capital gains tax on the amount of the appreciation. However, if you donate the painting to the FIA and it is accessioned into the collection, the capital gains tax would not apply. In addition, the current fair market value of the painting may be claimed as a charitable contribution. A gift for both you and the FIA!

If you are considering donating a work of art or have included the FIA in your estate plan please let us know. You will become a member of the FIA’s legacy group known as the Renaissance Society.  For more information please contact Marissa Pierce at