Israeli Art in a Bite

Event Type Member Events & Activities , Special Events , Art School Activity , Adults , Art School
Date calendar  Thursday, July 27, 2023
Time clock  5:00pm - 8:00pm (3h)

Israeli Art in a Bite

What does a painting taste like? The Flint Institute of Arts and Studio Mela invite you to get familiar with Israeli culture through the bond between food and art.  Join us for a special group workshop that translates visual arts to culinary arts.  Together, we will smell, touch, feel and taste each creation and try to identify the painting it was inspired by. There will be a variety of raw ingredients of different colors, flavors and textures unique to Israeli cuisine at our disposal. With these you will design a bite that expresses the essence of the artwork you have chosen.

Space is limited.  Cost is $135 per person. To register, call or stop by the FIA Art School office, or click

About Studio Mela
Studio Mela, an Event Research Institute, creates events that combine movement, design, and taste. An all inclusive form of art that stimulates all senses. Their work has been presented in exhibitions and events around the world. 

About Carmel Bar and Michal Evyatar
Carmel Bar - Artist, performer and chef. Graduate, of SVT, MASPA- Gaaton Kibbutz and Scuola CONIA- Cesena (Italy). Teaches sculpting tools and techniques at the SVT in Jerusalem. Carmel creates events on the border between performance, fine art, and culinary pleasure – redefining the "Event" as another form of art, stimulating all the senses.  

Michal Evyatar - Multi-disciplinary designer focusing on culinary performance. Master in Experimental Design from Bezalel Academy of Art and Design. Michal creates food experiences that challenge familiarity by combining design, stage, and food practices. She specializes in Israeli cuisine, has been a chef in a few restaurants in Israel and led innovation processes for the food industry at Feincook culinary lab.

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