Decorative by Design: 250 Years of Japanese Objects

Event Type Exhibitions
Date calendar  Tuesday, January 16, 2024
Time clock  (all day)
Location Ann K. Walch-Chan Gallery

For centuries little formal distinction existed between all types of Japanese art—from ceramics to sculpture and basketry to paintings. One art form was not more distinguished than another and everything played an equally vital role in the embellishment of people and spaces. The objects in this exhibition range in functionality; however each item reflects the importance of decoration. Whether they are highly detailed, minimalistic, or somewhere in between they each illustrate the concept of kazari, or the art of decoration and ornamentation. Stimulating the senses through viewing, using, or adorning a work of art, kazari highlights the dynamism of Japanese art and illustrates how the mundane world can be transformed into something extraordinary when aesthetics are considered. This exhibition features artwork from the 18th through 20th century from the FIA’s permanent collection and includes objects that were created for the Japanese market as well as for export to Europe and the United States. 

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