The Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem: History, Tradition, Sacred Image

Event Type Sheppy Dog Fund Lecture , Educational Lectures , Special Events , Adults , Free Programs , Lectures
Date calendar  Wednesday, December 6, 2023
Time clock  6:00pm - 7:00pm (1h)
Location FIA Theater

The Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem: History, Tradition, Sacred Image

Dec 6 | 6p | FIA Theater | FREE Admission

Dr. Michael Pytlik, Guest Lecturer


The Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem is the traditional location of Christ’s crucifixion and burial. It is the most sacred of sites in Christianity. In this presentation, Dr. Michael Pytlik will explore the ancient site and how it developed into this most fascinating sacred location. The talk will cover recent archaeological research and contemporary pilgrims’ accounts that place the site in historical and sacred context. Join us for an exploration of the Holy Sepulchre, a site intricately linked to the history of Jerusalem: a sacred site within a sacred city.

Dr. Pytlik, Director of Judaic Studies and Anthropology at Oakland University, teaches the Archaeology of Israel and a number of courses in Judaic Studies and Religious Studies. Since 2009, he has organized and led groups of OU students to Israel for tours and excavation field school. He is interested in the formation of the Israelite state, the development of the synagogue, Jewish Theology, Hebrew, and the archaeology of Israel. Dr. Pytlik is active in the Jewish community and is involved in Christian and Muslim Jewish dialogue groups. He is also the current faculty adviser for the Jewish Student Organization on campus and the director of the Cis Maisel Center for Judaic Studies and Community Engagement. He holds a Doctor of Science in Jewish Studies from Spertus College, as well as a master’s degree in Jewish Studies and a bachelor’s

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The Sheppy Dog Fund Lecture has been established to address the topics of art, religion, and history, and is funded annually by The Sheppy Dog Fund, Dr. Alan Klein, Advisor.

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