
Event Type FOMA Films , Special Film Screenings , Member Events & Activities
Date calendar  Sunday, December 10, 2023
Time clock  2:00pm - 3:45pm (1h 45m)
Location FIA Theater

Dec 8, 9 @ 7:30p & Dec 10 @ 2p


(France/Germany, 2023) Directed by Ira Sachs, 91 min., subtitled, rated R  

Ira Sachs’ eighth film examines physical and emotional attraction. Filmmaker Tomas embraces his sexuality through an affair with a young woman, blurring the lines which define his relationship with his husband, Martin. When Ben begins an extramarital affair of his own Tomas must embrace the confines of his marriage or accept that the relationship has come to an end. 

Passages is an intimate film that refuses to shy away from the messiness of life. 

This film is rated R for explicit sexual content. 

Admission $7 non-members | $6 FIA members | $5 FOMA members

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