Pierrot le Fou

Event Type FOMA Films , Special Film Screenings , Member Events & Activities , Special Events , Adults
Date calendar  Sunday, November 19, 2023
Time clock  2:00pm - 4:00pm (2h)
Location FIA Theater

Godard Retrospective 

Jean-Luc Godard, Franco-Swiss film director, pioneer of the French New Wave film movement in the 1960s was considered the most influential filmmaker of the post-war era. This retrospective highlight some of his most acclaimed films from the New Wave period.

Pierrot le Fou

(France, 1965) Directed by Jean-Luc Godard, 90 min., subtitled, not rated 

Godard’s tenth feature-length film in six years, Pierrot le Fou is considered one of the high points of French New Wave. Described as “the most beautiful film I’ve seen in my life,” it his last film before moving into radical cinema.

Admission $7 non-members | $6 FIA members | $5 FOMA members

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