God Kings and Deified Emperors in Ancient Societies

Event Type Sheppy Dog Fund Lecture , Educational Lectures , Free Programs , Lectures
Date calendar  Thursday, January 18, 2024
Time clock  6:00pm - 7:00pm (1h)
Location FIA Theater

God Kings and Deified Emperors in Ancient Societies

Jan 18 | 6p | FIA Theater | FREE Admission

Dr. Susan Wood, Guest Lecturer

Dr. Susan Wood will discuss Egyptian kingship, and how the concept came into the Greek world—when an oracle of Egypt acclaimed Alexander the Great as “son of Amun Ra” and the political maneuvering that ensued. Wood’s talk will also cover the increasingly elaborate rituals around the deification of Roman emperors and wives of emperors after their deaths.

Susan Wood is a former Professor of Art History at Oakland University, and received her degrees from Bryn Mawr College and Columbia University (Ph.D.). Her areas of specialization are Roman art and archaeology, numismatics, and French Neo-classical painting. She is the Archaeological Institute of America’s 2009–10 Metcalf Lecturer. Her publications include Imperial Women: A Study in Public Images (Leiden: Brill 2000 and 2001).

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