A Conversation about the Glass Glass Collection

Event Type Educational Lectures , Special Events
Date calendar  Saturday, April 21, 2018
Time clock  1:45pm - 2:15pm (30m)
Location FIA Theater

Ferdinand (Ferd) Hampson, founder of Habatat Galleries, and Corey Hampson, president/owner of Habatat Galleries Inc., discuss the Atlanta-based glass collectors Sherwin and Shirley Glass and their stunning collection. In less than 10 years, the Glasses amassed more than 140 pieces of contemporary glass, working personally with Ferd as a dealer, advisor, and close friend. Their talk highlights what is was like to work with the Glasses and their collecting tastes. Hear anecdotes about working with the collectors to obtain “the biggest” and “the best” works from renowned artists, as well as their experience as dealers in helping to assemble this outstanding collection.  

Habatat Galleries founder Ferdinand Hampson has worked with glass artists for 40 years. He is the author of several publications, including Studio Glass in America: A 50-Year Journey, as well as contributing to the FIA’s The Glass Glass Collection. He has lectured extensively and written numerous articles and introductions for exhibition catalogues. 

A graduate of the Haworth’s School of Business at Western Michigan University, Corey Hampson has been the Director of Sales at Habatat Galleries for over a decade. He has written and published numerous articles about studio glass.

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