Collecting Stories

Event Type Exhibitions , Adults , Teens , Children & Families
Date calendar  Tuesday, September 25, 2018
Time clock  12:00pm - 5:00pm (5h)
Location Henry & Hodge Galleries

Did you know that FIA owns two paintings from one of the most important art exhibitions in the history of American art (Leon Kroll’s Terminal Yards)? Or that the very first work of art to enter the collection was purchased by the general public through a donation box (Tunis Ponsen’s The Old Pier)? These are just two of several collecting stories that you will learn in this exhibition that celebrates 90 years of FIA history. From its beginning as an art school in 1928, the FIA has grown into the 2nd largest art museum in the state. This growth is attributable to the many civic-minded and generous community members who had the foresight to establish and sustain both an art school and museum. 

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