First Reformed

Event Type FOMA Films , Adults
Date calendar  Sunday, September 23, 2018
Time clock  2:00pm - 4:00pm (2h)
Location FIA Theaterf

September 21, 22 @ 7:30p; September 23 @ 2p

(U.S., 2018)  Directed by Paul Schrader, 113 min., rated R

In an acclaimed thriller written and directed by Michigan native Paul Schrader (who scripted Raging Bull and Taxi Driver), Ethan Hawke plays a small-town pastor who experiences a crisis of faith—and confronts a tormented past—and after a parishioner (Amanda Seyfried) asks him to counsel her husband, a radical environmentalist.


$5 members
$6 non-members
$4 FOMA members

Film titles are subject to change.