The Wife

Event Type FOMA Films , Adults
Date calendar  Sunday, October 7, 2018
Time clock  2:00pm - 4:00pm (2h)
Location FIA Theater

October 5, 6 @ 7:30p; October 7 @ 2p

(Sweden/U.S./U.K., 2018) Directed by Björn Runge, 100 min., rated R

On the eve of her husband being awarded the Nobel Prize for literature, a devoted wife, who has sublimated her own writing talents for the sake of her mate, confronts the professional and personal sacrifices she has made. Glenn Close, Jonathan Pryce, and Christian Slater headline this tense drama, but this is Close’s show.


$5 members
$6 non-members
$4 FOMA members

Film titles are subject to change.