The Wild Pear Tree

Event Type FOMA Films , Adults , Teens
Date calendar  Saturday, March 30, 2019
Time clock  7:30pm - 9:30pm (2h)
Location FIA Theater

MAR 29 & 30 @ 7:30p, MAR 31 @ 2:00p

(Turkey, 2018)  Directed by Nuri Blige Ceylan, 188 min., subtitled, no MPAA rating

A young Turkish man returns to his hometown after his college graduation, and seeks sponsors to publish his book while dealing with his father’s growing gambling habit. The Village Voice called this “a philosophical journey through the mind of an aspiring artist trying to figure out… where he belongs.”

Admission – $5 members, $6 non-members, $4 FOMA members

Film titles are subject to change.