Back to Burgundy

Event Type FOMA Films , Adults
Date calendar  Sunday, April 7, 2019
Time clock  2:00pm - 4:00pm (2h)
Location FIA Theater

APR 5 & 6 @ 7:30p, APR 7 @ 2:00p

(France, 2017)  Directed by Cedric Klapisch, 113 min., subtitled, no MPAA rating

After 10 years abroad, a Frenchman comes back home and must join in an effort to save the clan’s beloved vineyard. This comedy-drama will be “particularly intoxicating viewing” ( on the weekend of the FIA’s annual wine tasting.

Admission – $5 members, $6 non-members, $4 FOMA members

Film titles are subject to change.