Double Take

Event Type Exhibitions
Date calendar  Monday, February 17, 2020
Time clock  12:00pm - 5:00pm (5h)
Location Harris-Burger Gallery

Have you ever looked at a work of art and wondered, “What is that made of?” Perhaps it’s a ceramic vase that looks like glass, or a wood sculpture that looks like bone. Artists often manipulate the properties of one medium to appear like something else. The contemporary objects in this exhibition build on the historical tradition of trompe l’oeil, which translates from French to “deceive the eye.” While some artists intentionally try to make one material look like another, others are simply exploring the versatility of the medium. 

Whether intentional or not, artworks featured in Double Take toy with your eyes to raise questions about the nature of art and perception. Rather than focusing on the natural beauty of glass, William Morris uses the medium’s ability to transform into wood, bone, fiber, and sinew. Steven Montgomery’s painted ceramics explore the changes caused by time and environment. What looks to be an old rusted nut is, in reality, a hand-painted ceramic sculpture. These objects are sure to keep you guessing and may just make you do a double take.

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