Date calendar  Sunday, May 3, 2020
Time clock  (all day)

Updated April 30, 2020 

The FIA is Temporarily Closed | Reopening Date TBD

The FIA staff is working hard to get ready for the moment when we will be able to open our doors to welcome you to visit the galleries. Although we haven’t set a date yet, we are preparing for the opportunity to reconnect with you while practicing social distancing throughout a virus-free facility.

Of course, we continue to miss seeing everyone in our galleries...but that does not mean we cannot share the collection, stimulating articles, family activities, and much more with you virtually! I invite you to sign up for the new weekly electronic newsletter titled "FIA@Home." Click here to sign up to receive this interactive and informative publication that will make you almost feel like you are visiting the FIA!

The FIA is currently preparing to implement new health and safety protocols that will distance visitors and staff from one another when the building reopens, to insure the kind of enriching experiences everyone needs, maybe now, more than ever.

On behalf of the FIA staff, I wish you well.


John Henry Executive Director, Flint Institute of Arts