The Conservation of Paintings

Event Type Sheppy Dog Fund Lecture , Free Programs
Date calendar  Wednesday, May 5, 2021
Time clock  6:00pm - 7:30pm (1h 30m)
Location Virtual

Historical and Technical Discoveries
Guest Lecturer: Barry Bauman 
Free and open to the public.

Barry Bauman will highlight discoveries that he made as an art conservator. Selected works include a 14th century Crucifixion, a Rubens’ Crowning of St. Catherine, and New Testament imagery.

Bauman is the owner of Conservation Ventures (, a company specializing in conservation presentations and government-funded CAP surveys. Barry holds a BA from Beloit College and an MA in Art History from the University of Chicago. He was formerly the Associate Conservator of Paintings for the Art Institute of Chicago. Bauman’s Case Study, “The Demise of Mary Lincoln,” was featured on the front page of the New York Times in an article titled “Mary Lincoln I Presume.” Barry Bauman is an elected Fellow of the American Institute for Conservation.

How do I view the lecture?

To view the lecture or participate in the live Q & A with Barry Bauman via Zoom, click here to register. To watch live via YouTube, click here. For more instructions on how to view, click here.

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