Preschool Playdates

Event Type Children & Families , Free Programs , Preschool Playdates
Date calendar  Thursday, December 14, 2023
Time clock  11:00am - 11:45am (45m)
Location Galleries & Studio

Preschool Playdates / 3rd Friday of the month /11a- 11:45a/Free of charge

Children will investigate art materials, listen to children’s literature, and look at and talk about works of art. In the studio, they learn through active discovery, inquiry and exploration that strengthens the problem solving and visual expression skills they need to be successful in school and in life. 

Sep 15   Hello FIA! 

Oct 20 Making Marks 

Nov 17 Colors 

Dec 15    Collage 

Jan 19      Printing 

Feb 16    Boxes

Mar 15    Faces

April 19    Spring Trees 

May 17   Natural Materials      

June 21    Drips and Drops

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