Piecing Together the Past: A Curatorial View of Mosaics in Israel

Event Type Sheppy Dog Fund Lecture , Educational Lectures
Date calendar  Wednesday, November 14, 2018
Time clock  6:00pm - 8:00pm (2h)
Location FIA Theater

Piecing Together the Past: A Curatorial View of Mosaics in Israel

Guest Lecturer: Tracee J. Glab 

In Piecing Together the Past, FIA Curator Tracee Glab offers a unique perspective on mosaics she visited during a recent trip to Israel. Mosaics were a popular art form in the ancient world, decorating everything from domestic settings to sacred spaces. Many of these mosaics remain today (and are still being unearthed) as they are also one of the most durable art forms. This talk will survey significant mosaics dating from the 4th to 6th centuries, offering insight into how these were made and used, and, most importantly, what they might have meant to a pagan, Jewish, or Christian audience in antiquity. Themes that will be explored include the persistence of pagan imagery in synagogues and churches and how mosaics delineated and informed sacred space.

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