Hybrid: Glass + Metal

Event Type Glass , Exhibitions
Date calendar  Sunday, March 3, 2019
Time clock  1:00pm - 5:00pm (4h)
Location Harris – Burger Gallery

Glass and metal are an unexpected pairing—one fragile, and the other formidable—but they’re not as different as you may think. Both are formed with heat and cool into a fixed position. They are fundamental elements in our everyday life, from the gadgets we use to the buildings we inhabit. Both have been used in the creation of art for thousands of years. 

Contemporary artists like Howard Ben Tré, Albert Paley, Mary Shaffer, and Michael Glancy have explored the vast possibilities of combining the two materials, from cast to blown glass and forged to electroformed metal. Through the union of glass and metal, each object in this exhibition embodies a dynamic synergy unachievable if the materials were used independently. Many of the works in Hybrid: Glass + Metal are part of the Sherwin and Shirley Glass Glass Collection, on loan from the Isabel Foundation, and on view for the first time at the FIA. 

Image: Howard Ben Tré, American, born 1949. Two, 2002. Cast glass, lead, pigmented waxes. 60 × 29 1/2 × 15 1/2 inches. Courtesy of the Isabel Foundation, L2017.15

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