The Promised Land

Event Type FOMA Films , Member Events & Activities , Adults
Date calendar  Sunday, March 24, 2024
Time clock  2:00pm - 3:45pm (1h 45m)
Location FIA Theater

The Promised Land

(Denmark/Sweden/Norway/Germany, 2023) Directed by Nikolaj Arcel, 127 min., subtitled, rated R

Mads Mikkelsen reunites with director Nikolaj Arcel in this historical drama. Mikkelsen stars as Captain Ludvig Kahlen, a proud, ambitious, but impoverished war hero, who sets out to cultivate uninhabitable land, build a colony in the name of the King and gain a noble title for himself. This land is also under the rule of the merciless Fredrik De Schinkel, who realizes Kahlen is a threat to his power. As Kahlen begins to build a small community, De Schinkel swears vengeance, resulting in a violent and intense confrontation between the two men. 

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