Io Capitano

Event Type FOMA Films , Adults
Date calendar  Sunday, May 12, 2024
Time clock  2:00pm - 3:45pm (1h 45m)
Location FIA Theater

Io Capitano

(Italy/Belgium/France, 2023) Directed by Matteo Garrone, 121 min., subtitled, not rated 

Italy's official submission for the Academy Awards Best International Feature Film, Io Capitano, is a contemporary Odyssey that recounts the epic journey of two young Senegalese men, Seydou and Moussa, who yearn for a brighter future in Europe. Yet between their dreams and reality lies a treacherous journey through a labyrinth of checkpoints, the scorched Sahara Desert, a fetid North African prison and the vast waters of the Mediterranean where thousands have died packed inside vessels barely fit for passage.

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